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Monday, November 1, 2010



Today advertisements art is very popular of traders filed. Produce materials take among to people and about any products are introduced for people. This advertisement art medium is very useful.

Advertisements displayed in various ways. News papers, news magazines. Many advertisements create attractive multi colored pictures. Advertisements appearing in news papers, magazines, posters, and handbills but other more effective and famous advertisements ways on the television , radio, cinema, and today very popular for advertisements. Internet display products the same moment click and get any information’s and after can buy direct any products of credit cards or bank.

Advertisements are not only providing in come to the newspaper. Whether or also add colour and brighten the papers. These advertisements are designed by advertising firms. Today competitions have for more business manufacturers have realized that they are able to sell their productions by giving publicity to them advertisements. The advertisement provides the customer an opportunity to choose between several brands of goods.

The main goal of any producers today is to maximize profits by increasing the sale of products. Customers don’t know products really conditions but that advertisements lure a customer in to buying a products. Most of the customers compel to buy such products and ethics of social some advertising are creating pollute of women’s respect and restraint. Today use high technologies make for good art of advertises some advertisements are have not a art but only low class advertise methods.

There not effectually advertisements given more bad effects to in social so also across publicity advertise display on TV so these displayed any advertisements watching parents, son, and daughter or with other relations.

Sri Lanka has great culture and has good moral values. Although cant stop go for new world and new technology but need protect our any valuable things. Can go new technology and new world then able to create well and very high qualitative advertising display trading products on TV, cinema or customers are careful and intelligent , people will never compel to buy unnecessary goods highlighted in advertisements.                
