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Friday, August 27, 2010

Nice Village

Country side very good than urban.Country side has not artificial creations.Good environment situation has in country side. Wild,Nice Birds,Some Animales,Beautiful water fall's. Canales,Runneles,Paddy-field's,Nice mountain's so also fresh air, Fresh fruit's varieties and Vegetable's, Pure water and no noise pollution also. Countr side living mostly farmers and workers. Them life is very simple and humble.They are very good friendly.These all good things has in village but urban vices,dust,smoke,water also dirt.
Village were made by nature but towns made by the men.So men can not create true villages. Villages create by nature like a nice artistic creation.Urbans create by men it,s like only plan as not artistic.
Urban people have many comfort's that make life and living pleasure.Quick means of transports,super markets, equipped hospitals,good roads, comfortable homes,good vehicales,entertainment halls,well strong comunications,railway stations,and cinama movis, dramas,sports,internet facilities as any convenience have in urban people.But salubrity and goodness living is higher in towns than in viilage.Come to settle in village areas.Villages land also cheap people in rural areas lead a healthly life.

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