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Monday, August 30, 2010

Very Valuable of Jak Tree

Jak fruits

Jak tree is very high and large.Jak tree growing many places of Sri lanka. As well as very usful and very important tree. Can use any parts of jak tree.It bear good delicious fruits. Two varities of fruits it is "Waraka and Wella "waraka fruit has thickness kerneles and wella fruit has soft kerneles. Jak tree is very valuable timber. More needed make for wood materiales of jak tree timber. We take rice for foods but can take for eat jak fruit in place of rice.This fruit is very precious why malnutrition has very big problems some countries. But jak fruit can eradicate malnutrition so also promote mothers brestmilk.Some trease bear very large fruits some treas bear small fruits. Some jak fruits are birth up and some jak fruits are birth down some time like clustery so it's can pluck easy.
"Bath gasa"or Kap ruka"some called names for jak tree. Jak tree is very precious. As such we must protect it.The government has banned felling it without a valid permit.Can mak some tasty beverages contributory of jak fruit. As well as can make different kinds of foods. Jak fruits delicious kernels can pack in tin like salmon after can export to other countries. Use jak fruits can make varieties foods of taty. Our ansestors were very strongest,very intelligent,very talented so also very powrful persons, other important thing is they were good humannitarianism. So how they took any powers..it has not secret they ate good rice,they ate good yams,they ate good cereals,and fruits,pure water but specially they ate jak fruits mostly instead of rice. Few names have for jak fruit "Polos " make tasty " plos Embula", "Polos  Melluma " "Kiri Kos' and 'Heralia' so we need understand hardly about jak treas valuable and our boundent duty is preserve these treas.

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