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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sewing Maching

First clothes sewing machin made by American creater of Mr.Charls Visental eyar is 1755. 1830 France creater St.Avinehi Bathalam Timoniar made another sewing machin it can clothe sewing easy.

1834 American Mr.Walter Houst create by new sewing machine with two threads and shuttle.1846 create sewing machin by Mr.Elias Hoome.1849 create auto sewing machin by Mr.Benjemin Willson.These machines were created for only Industrial side.

1851 American machanical engineer Mr.Isakmerati Singer create by home sewing machine so also he made by past sewing machine and he start singer company also

To day "SINGER" machines are very famous in the world.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

News Paperes


News papers bring us news from any things of the world. Some news papers are publishing daily as well as other papers are publishing week end. Many Singhala, Tamil and English news papers daily and weekly published in Sri Lanka to day.

Across these news papers peoples get local and foreign news but these papers news not only one way. Today several ways have getting information’ or (News). Internet, Television, Radio, and mobile phones but papers information’s can read every time. News papers are giving to news on every field. Local news and foreign news, Advertising, Political news, Sports, Health, Science news, News on Crimes, Experiments news, New Technology news, About new products, Astrological, and House of horoscopes like various things are including news papers. News papers pages allocated for each information.  It is very important matter.

The editorial of a newspaper voices the public opinions some articles are written on Educational, Social, Political, and Health cultural captions. More countries many world famous papers published in the world daily and weekly. As well as famous magazines also that is Times, Newsweek, Readers and Digest. This world more readers reading these papers and magazines however some countries news papers statements are  have not good conduct. Any thing can expression in news papers but it is done good restraint and good gentlemanly so also truly expressions. Although some writers use them pen purposely very badly as these news in some respect people err aberration. Wrath, insult, and animus have in news first and last.

This is very big reduction to community. Like these statements done impartial and conservative haven’t selfish, partisan, communal correspondents only. They need only money so they done any things.

Of these writers as wholesome as well as among mankind segmentation, struggles, harms, animus and alarming conflicts also some correspondents writing and expecting for only money. So they do any foul things for money they don’t keep respect of nation unity about religions co-operation, about man kind and about nation and country. These en-masse what are they expect….last ravage of anything’s.

People need truly news or information’s of newspapers any time people like known more news also they like grow them knowledge’s. Man like known and read many various articles so also can write independently but it is truly writers known true public opinions why people have known true information’s.

Government shortcoming, rulers shortcomings, so also about country safety, about corruptions deeds, about public funds wastes, other natural disasters, earth slips, earthquakes, floods, droughts, accidents, plane crashes and cyclone’s like that important matters.

Some writers publish them expressions of some news papers but few statements can do big damage to country. It is very bad situation why country independent, nation, and government defenses here by to stumbling-blocks so some articles and opinions should express like that.

Occasionally reduction of country or some one personality I thing medias correspondents duty is like that gentlemanly, restraint, good conducted, cored, purposive, and responsibility express articles include newspapers or news magazines. Any news papers and any magazines other medias have not like these lowly articles some medias only but last thing “ Writers do them duty like watch guard”     


Monday, September 13, 2010


Trees Our Life

Trees are very important of environment. Human and any other animals cannot live without trees.
We get oxygen, food, medicines, wood, and protect water, humidity, from trees. Next one most needed rain as of the trees. Tees are very beautiful looking for environment. Great influence climate of trees .The leaves of trees are all time giving of moisture as well as this constant evaporation cools the surrounding atmosphere. Mountain sides stop the soil erosion and stopped destructive earth slip.
 Plants existed on earth before human. Trees do no won’t their existence. Although human cannot live without trees. Human and animals can’t live without oxygen. Always produce oxygen of trees. Trees taking by carbon dioxide after giving oxygen. Some people have not understood value of trees. But some time people need make for timber houses. Unless wont make foods. As well as create some thing so these any things for needs cut down trees.
People cut down trees but we should plant another tree in that place. If become a desert before long forest cover in Sri Lanka has been less drastically during the past twenty years. This condition has been several matters. Some forests have become baranlands cut down more trees illegally. This is very terrible situation of environment. Because a result of this almost water fountains have been dried. So that we should protect our country forests            

Human Skeleton

Skeleton Front  

Human Skeleton


Human Skelton framework is very wonderful creation. Nature any creations are very astonish so these anything man can not understand easily natures every creation systems.

Without man Skelton any things collapse in a heap. Because skeleton provides the rigid support that lets hold man arms and legs straight. But human skeleton does much more. Anchoring muscles so that they can pull against one another and that safety the man spinal cord and many other organs against knocks and blows from outside.

Bones have not of man ears and nose its like rubbery cartilage then 200 bones in man body. Man shoulders operate like ball and socket joint allows a rotation in any directions. Other joint is elbow it is hinge joint like joint in man knee. Next one is ankle and foot bones made up of 26 bones. Feet make up a quarter of all bones.

Bones make up skeleton many shapes and many sizes. 33 small bones have in men’s spine so it can bend but leg bones are strong and big. Why carry man body weight. Many bones are fixed together by flexible joints so also can move around easily. Brain is humans’ very important matter it protects in skull. The skull is made of few plates of join.

So human body is very marvelous and complex machine that build and maintains it self so all humans organs consist of tissues made up of cell, each with their own shape and structure.


Skeleton Back

Valuable Reading

Valuable Reading

“Reading makes a full man” this is very important ward. Francis Bacon says this great ward. Like usually read good and very important book .as well as can take highly knowledge to anyone.

Very important books are written by great persons can store readers mind with great thoughts and great thinkers of the world by reading their book. More important and good books are store houses. Any houses can keep good library. Have you time try by a good books. It is very good habit.

“Knowledge is humans’ power” how can do that only way to acquisition knowledge by reading. Readers can speech at any time instantly. Readers can any discussion or debate with self confidence. Others can’t be deceived or defeated by readers.

Novels have in there few characters some bad or good. Readers appreciate the qualities. Can read good and exemplary qualities of great persons by reading Country and World Historical books, Educational books, Research books, Great Biographical books, About Universal and World, Archaeological, Detectives, Novels ,Poems, Discovers, Religious, Politics and economy, Philosophy, Educational theatre ,Short Stories, and Good Magazines, Good Papers like these books the readers can enters a new world.

Well knowledge is our protector and our best helper. Our knowledge can develop for only reading books. Any things can steal by thieves but ever can’t steal people’s knowledge. It is very important matter why humans’ leader is only knowledge. Some people will never compel to waste them valuable time on useless things. Don’t do that moreover today knowledge is more valuable and uppermost thing.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lord Buddha

Glorious Great Lord Buddha Birth and Enlightenment

Lord Buddha is very excellent Teacher of Humans…

Lord Buddha is very excellent instructor of humans…..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

About Body Things


I read and known info

Did you know ….The liver does a great many jobs…?

This huge organ witch lays over the stomach makes essential chemicals controls sugar levels, processes digested fat removes some waste products and poisons from the bloodstream and performs dozens of other vital tasks.

Our Intestines are Coiled

Adults have more than 7 meters of intestine along is over 5 meters long so think how tall we would be if they were straight.

Human and Horses Common thing

Human’s Skeletons contains the number of bones as a horse’s what horse’s gain in back bones you gain in fingers and toes.

The coccyx a group of bones used together at the base of your backbone. Remains of a tail that our ancestors had some such as the monkeys of South America have excellent control of the muscles in the tail allowing them to use it almost as an extra hand.

Very Important Thing is Exercise

Exercise makes the heart work harder….

Exercise is very important of human body. Can pump up to 35 liters of blood around the body exercises can make more good things our body. The heart beats more quickly. ever minute in order to supply the muscles with all the oxygen that they want.

Temperature of Human Body

To cool down human body can sweet to warm up. Hairs on skin can stand up to keep heat in or your muscles can shiver burn energy and produce heat to store energy when food is scarce winter term some animals go to sleep .

They body cool down slowly. Hibernating dormouse can pass few months without eating. Cold – blooded animals can not control their temperature internally. It changes with their surroundings. So they must sunbath to warm up and move into the shade to cool down.

Muscles of Human

Humans have strong muscles. Many are attached to bones. Millions of tiny fibers that can shorten fibers have strong and pulling force. But these fibers can’t push. Humans can develop muscles. Bodybuilders construct and emphasize the muscles it give their bodies shape.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010




My Village

I am belonging to south province and district is Matara. Maine town is Akuressa seat also Akuressa. According to as chronically Matara was called “Mahathota” The River pour down through Matara is “River of Nilwala” this river is very wide so it was called “Mahathota”

Administration of Portuguese (1790-1795) these invaders called as “Maturai” one thing that is clear here is that the Portuguese miss – pronounced the word. “Thurai” which is a Tamil word means “Ferry” but now used name is “Matara”

Three invaders Administration

Portuguese Governance [1790-1795]

Dutch Governance [1795- 1796]

British Governance [1796- 1948]

Matara District covered a lager area. Whole of southern province up to was extended from Kotte

to River Walawe (Walawe Ganga)

Bopitiya is my village. Our main town is Akuressa. We are including south province. Three districts confederated of south province those are Matara District, Galla District, Hanbantota District so these very big province.

Many nations are living this aria. Singhala, Tamil, Muslim, Berger, Malay so also these any nations are inhabit like brotherhood and very peaceful in the manner of religions Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Catholic, and Christian any religions between well cooperation’s.

My villagers are very happy full and very active persons. More villagers are farmers some ones doing some business and entered new technology side. Any one are trine develop them life and study also well.

Paddy, Tea, Cinnamon, Rubber, Vegetables, Yams, these are main cultivates in my village. Bopitiya Mhaviddiyalaya is my village school and its education also well.

Transports, Any village roads concreted, Good roads have in village, Well high way roads in cities, Health, Hospitals, Foods, Houses, Schools, Energy, Educations, Social situation, Banks, and Post offices like that facilities well.


I like very much living to the village. Life in village is close to nature. The surrounding is not corruption. The air, water, fruits, vegetables, any crops also fresh. There is no sounds pollution also.

The most villagers are farmers. Some one does many various jobs. They very good companion and humble. They are good intimately people. I think villagers created by nature but town made by man. The town people have many facilities although there are all artificially. It is not happiness for humans.

My Very Significant Persons


My Very Significant Persons

My first school is Rathnapura St.Alosyes College. My hostel also near the collage. That time my education knowledge is very weak. I learned four years there. I remember gracious, sympathetic honorable father Thomas and father Jacob they very loved us. So also I remember few friends also they Mr.Ananda Raj and Mr.Bashier.

After I came to Colombo. Again entered new school of Susamayawardana Central place of Austin Place, Borella, and Colombo 08. This season is my best and success epoch persevering to my education. My knowledge and other any things also better got in. Those time my any problems, other requirements solved by my grand father. But I talk like him to “Bappa” he loves very much to me and I also more loved him.

My other special persons Honorable Mr.Sepala Ilangakoon so also his dear wife Honorable Mrs. Sunethra Ilangakoon, and them amiable son and daughter Honorable Mr.Yevendra Ilangakoon, and Honorable Mrs. Riyanjani Ilangakoon so is less than like this great virtuous persons in world. About like these great persons memorials proceed any time in my hart.

I remember that time they gave me more advises and more instructions although that time these any things unhandy got understand. Some time very angry with them. However after few years I understood where in veracity. I think I am not late so also correct and think out my life.

Now I know there any advises and any instructions more valuable our correct life. If we need go to us humans extrovert to front….we want learn more, we want know many things, we want good listening , more advises and more instructions also. We need discover many things so also very importance and very specially something must we have think.

That is like learned, intelligent, classic and virtuous with humans doing companion is very well thing. Present we have easy and more knowledge teak of [Internet]

About Our Honorable Teachers

I remember many friends I had that time. We know our school season is very joyful. But that time we did some hell bent things. Some days our teachers didn’t come in class. So we got free time and that is very good situation why we were singing and chatting some things.

Some time if we did wrong things we got more punishment. Actually we were never angry with our teachers. We know about our teachers they very loves us. They had sympathetic of them hart. They had gracious mind. Any time we respected our teachers. If we did wrong things they gave some punishments but we know that any punishment they done for good faith. Our teachers were more endeavors and many commitments for us. Our education, our knowledge, and our goodness. Last what they expect us. They expect great humans need live in this world. To day we are living like well meritorious citizens. Any time, any moment we are benedictions of our more loved teachers.

As many years out of mind some teachers names but I will trine remember them. So pleas don’t miss understand me. I am yours all along loving student. Again I call upon for you pardon to me.

My Class Teachers

Honorable: Mrs.Karunarathna [Teach Singhala]

Honorable: Mrs. Alexandra [Teach English]

Honorable: Mrs.Wasanthi [Teacher]

Honorable: Mrs. Rodrigo [Teach Social Education]

Honorable: Mrs.Madugalle [Teacher]

Honorable: Mr.Karunarathna [Teach Singhala]

Honorable: Mr.Karunarathna [Teacher]

Honorable: Mr.Bandara [Coaching P.T]

Honorable: Mr.Antoine [Teach Art]

Honor able: Mr.Abayarama [English]

Honorable: Mr. Albert [Teach Singhala]

Our school principle is:

Honorable: Mr. Jayasinge

My School friends: Boys and Girls I...Sunny

That time we learned many subjects but my mathematic is not well hundred present. We joined few matched and some sports…our education proceed done well but I learned more virtuous things of after my collage now I am very happy full.

I remember some things we played crickets, badminton, football, additionally we trained athletics, drill, body exercises, marshal arts, judo and wrestling why any facilities had in Colombo.

We lived in class room or school and out side also like brotherhoods. As well as we stayed well amicably.

My friends: Boys

Friendly Mr.Susantha Gamini [ Borella ], Mr. Gamini Ramyakumara [ Borella ], Mr.Asoka [ Borella ], Mr.Wimalasena [ Borella ], Mr.Wimaladasa [ Borella ], Mr.Ranil Artigala , Mr.Dekar, Mr.Anura, Mr.Kithsiri, Mr.Chandrasiri, Mr.Athula Siripal Ranjana, Mr.Anil Prera, Mr.Samaraweera [ Punchi Borelle ] Some friends names forgetter.

My friends: Girls

Friendly Ms.Chithra [Borelle], Ms.Sumithra [Borelle], Ms.Srimathi Abesinghe, Ms.Nirmala [Borelle], Ms.Mala, Ms.Kusuma, Ms.Sandya, Ms.Wasanthi, Ms.Vineetha,

My Friends of Other Schools

Nalanda Collage: Friendly Mr.Thusitha, Mr.Dananjaya, Mr.Laxman, Mr.Anura, [Malabe], forgetter some friends names.

Keari Collage: Friendly Mr.Rohana Wellage [Battaramulle], Mr.Banu Silva, Mr.Bansajayan [Battaramulle] But I have very sad in my hart about one of my friend he is friendly Bansajayan…

Stafford Collage:

Friendly Mr.Priyantha Gowinnage [Battaramulle]

Ysodara Balika Viddiyalaya: [Girls] Kinsey Road, Borelle

Friendly Ms.Lalitha Senavirathna, Ms.Pradeepa, Ms.Orlga

Rathnawali Balika Viddiyalaya: [Girls] Borelle

Friendly Ms.Amitha

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Second World War

Hitler                               Second World War & Atom Bomb

End of Europe Second World War but not end of world war many Asian countries. 1944 September united state got Philippine. Why before Philippine under to Japan. Burma (Myanmar) also under to Japan but later British army got to Burma. After 1945 .08.06 first uranium atom bomb attack by America to Japan city of Hiroshima. After three days second plutonium atom bomb attack Japan city of Nagasaki. This is first of terrible atom bomb attack to the contrary. Atom bomb attack five days later Japan is sour ended to America.

End of Second World War but more valuable things lost our world. Many army soldier’s, others captivity to enemies and killed or died with more difficult punishments. Bomb attacks, gunfire’s, injures, raps and plunders like this deed many diseases, short commons, mental deteriorations, health sickness, deformed, hungry, thirsty, and because of medicine and treatments die hard of more civil people. Cities, country sides, many properties also smash.

More than six million people killed in Hitler abattoirs. After Second World War in wartime these any terrible war criminals accountable to German Nazi leaders after arrested and given the punishments. Last Nazi second world war criminal Adolph aicman also arrested.

Atom Bomb Attack to Japan 1945.08.06

Twenty kilotons of weight 235 uranium first atom bomb from above 1800feet put down on Japan city of Hiroshima forthwith smash of Hiroshima city. So also than 80,000 thousand peoples suddenly died and than 70,000 thousand people injured some one burned as atom bomb radiation and it powerful heat.

Second plutonium 235 atom bomb 1945.08.09 put on to Japan city of Nagasaki smash of city of Nagasaki and suddenly died than 40,000 thousand people as well than 25,000 thousand people injured and burned as it heat and radiation.

Atom Bombs Creator

“Robot Open Higher” he is scientist. He created first atom bomb. Start testing for good place. Place is American city of loss Ally muse. 1945. July .16. Monday Time 5.30 am 200 hundred far north desert aria. 32 tone 100 feet high steel bastion Atom bomb keep on it.

In time operated uranium 235atom bomb. Suddenly terrible and powerful exposed with big light around.40, 000 thousand feet high than smoke. Smoke is everywhere of prevalence sphere. Any steel columns lost. In one mile squared all animals died. As atom bomb explosion after under of earth lived every reptiles died. Among 20-30 miles of area live all animals all woollies burned of powerful bomb heat so also atom bomb blasting time far 450 miles vision it light. So how much that uranium 235 atom bomb power 65 years a go. But today in the extreme in a little atom bomb power….ooo...Ooch no can’t think about it.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Institute of S.O.S

[S.O.S] Institute is very best place to learn English. Grammar, Spoken English, Communication skills these any subject are teach very well.

There any teachers are having very best English knowledge. So also there are very kind, very cleverest, and good friendly. Other think is [S.O.S] teachers are using well and new teaching methods so also organizing also well.

There are teaching any lessons we can understand easy. Teachers explaining and instructions are not difficulty of our knowledge. I remember first time join with [ S.O.S ]institute. That time my English knowledge is very low and had some weakness about English writing side, more spelling mistakes and very aggravating grammar problems. But that time I can speak little English it is not formal however many people in this world speaking English like informally. So these different types I understood few weeks later of [S.O.S] institute.

After three and six month grow my English knowledge. As such English speaking, writing, reading and about English grammar. These any thing learned very well after six month in [S.O.S] institute.

Now I can speak English generally so I am hopeful about it and very thankfulness for institute of [S.O.S] owner honorable Mr. Karunathilaka & Honorable Mr. Sunil (sir) & other any classical teachers.