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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

News Paperes


News papers bring us news from any things of the world. Some news papers are publishing daily as well as other papers are publishing week end. Many Singhala, Tamil and English news papers daily and weekly published in Sri Lanka to day.

Across these news papers peoples get local and foreign news but these papers news not only one way. Today several ways have getting information’ or (News). Internet, Television, Radio, and mobile phones but papers information’s can read every time. News papers are giving to news on every field. Local news and foreign news, Advertising, Political news, Sports, Health, Science news, News on Crimes, Experiments news, New Technology news, About new products, Astrological, and House of horoscopes like various things are including news papers. News papers pages allocated for each information.  It is very important matter.

The editorial of a newspaper voices the public opinions some articles are written on Educational, Social, Political, and Health cultural captions. More countries many world famous papers published in the world daily and weekly. As well as famous magazines also that is Times, Newsweek, Readers and Digest. This world more readers reading these papers and magazines however some countries news papers statements are  have not good conduct. Any thing can expression in news papers but it is done good restraint and good gentlemanly so also truly expressions. Although some writers use them pen purposely very badly as these news in some respect people err aberration. Wrath, insult, and animus have in news first and last.

This is very big reduction to community. Like these statements done impartial and conservative haven’t selfish, partisan, communal correspondents only. They need only money so they done any things.

Of these writers as wholesome as well as among mankind segmentation, struggles, harms, animus and alarming conflicts also some correspondents writing and expecting for only money. So they do any foul things for money they don’t keep respect of nation unity about religions co-operation, about man kind and about nation and country. These en-masse what are they expect….last ravage of anything’s.

People need truly news or information’s of newspapers any time people like known more news also they like grow them knowledge’s. Man like known and read many various articles so also can write independently but it is truly writers known true public opinions why people have known true information’s.

Government shortcoming, rulers shortcomings, so also about country safety, about corruptions deeds, about public funds wastes, other natural disasters, earth slips, earthquakes, floods, droughts, accidents, plane crashes and cyclone’s like that important matters.

Some writers publish them expressions of some news papers but few statements can do big damage to country. It is very bad situation why country independent, nation, and government defenses here by to stumbling-blocks so some articles and opinions should express like that.

Occasionally reduction of country or some one personality I thing medias correspondents duty is like that gentlemanly, restraint, good conducted, cored, purposive, and responsibility express articles include newspapers or news magazines. Any news papers and any magazines other medias have not like these lowly articles some medias only but last thing “ Writers do them duty like watch guard”     


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