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Wednesday, September 8, 2010




My Village

I am belonging to south province and district is Matara. Maine town is Akuressa seat also Akuressa. According to as chronically Matara was called “Mahathota” The River pour down through Matara is “River of Nilwala” this river is very wide so it was called “Mahathota”

Administration of Portuguese (1790-1795) these invaders called as “Maturai” one thing that is clear here is that the Portuguese miss – pronounced the word. “Thurai” which is a Tamil word means “Ferry” but now used name is “Matara”

Three invaders Administration

Portuguese Governance [1790-1795]

Dutch Governance [1795- 1796]

British Governance [1796- 1948]

Matara District covered a lager area. Whole of southern province up to was extended from Kotte

to River Walawe (Walawe Ganga)

Bopitiya is my village. Our main town is Akuressa. We are including south province. Three districts confederated of south province those are Matara District, Galla District, Hanbantota District so these very big province.

Many nations are living this aria. Singhala, Tamil, Muslim, Berger, Malay so also these any nations are inhabit like brotherhood and very peaceful in the manner of religions Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Catholic, and Christian any religions between well cooperation’s.

My villagers are very happy full and very active persons. More villagers are farmers some ones doing some business and entered new technology side. Any one are trine develop them life and study also well.

Paddy, Tea, Cinnamon, Rubber, Vegetables, Yams, these are main cultivates in my village. Bopitiya Mhaviddiyalaya is my village school and its education also well.

Transports, Any village roads concreted, Good roads have in village, Well high way roads in cities, Health, Hospitals, Foods, Houses, Schools, Energy, Educations, Social situation, Banks, and Post offices like that facilities well.


I like very much living to the village. Life in village is close to nature. The surrounding is not corruption. The air, water, fruits, vegetables, any crops also fresh. There is no sounds pollution also.

The most villagers are farmers. Some one does many various jobs. They very good companion and humble. They are good intimately people. I think villagers created by nature but town made by man. The town people have many facilities although there are all artificially. It is not happiness for humans.

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