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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Very Significant Persons


My Very Significant Persons

My first school is Rathnapura St.Alosyes College. My hostel also near the collage. That time my education knowledge is very weak. I learned four years there. I remember gracious, sympathetic honorable father Thomas and father Jacob they very loved us. So also I remember few friends also they Mr.Ananda Raj and Mr.Bashier.

After I came to Colombo. Again entered new school of Susamayawardana Central place of Austin Place, Borella, and Colombo 08. This season is my best and success epoch persevering to my education. My knowledge and other any things also better got in. Those time my any problems, other requirements solved by my grand father. But I talk like him to “Bappa” he loves very much to me and I also more loved him.

My other special persons Honorable Mr.Sepala Ilangakoon so also his dear wife Honorable Mrs. Sunethra Ilangakoon, and them amiable son and daughter Honorable Mr.Yevendra Ilangakoon, and Honorable Mrs. Riyanjani Ilangakoon so is less than like this great virtuous persons in world. About like these great persons memorials proceed any time in my hart.

I remember that time they gave me more advises and more instructions although that time these any things unhandy got understand. Some time very angry with them. However after few years I understood where in veracity. I think I am not late so also correct and think out my life.

Now I know there any advises and any instructions more valuable our correct life. If we need go to us humans extrovert to front….we want learn more, we want know many things, we want good listening , more advises and more instructions also. We need discover many things so also very importance and very specially something must we have think.

That is like learned, intelligent, classic and virtuous with humans doing companion is very well thing. Present we have easy and more knowledge teak of [Internet]

About Our Honorable Teachers

I remember many friends I had that time. We know our school season is very joyful. But that time we did some hell bent things. Some days our teachers didn’t come in class. So we got free time and that is very good situation why we were singing and chatting some things.

Some time if we did wrong things we got more punishment. Actually we were never angry with our teachers. We know about our teachers they very loves us. They had sympathetic of them hart. They had gracious mind. Any time we respected our teachers. If we did wrong things they gave some punishments but we know that any punishment they done for good faith. Our teachers were more endeavors and many commitments for us. Our education, our knowledge, and our goodness. Last what they expect us. They expect great humans need live in this world. To day we are living like well meritorious citizens. Any time, any moment we are benedictions of our more loved teachers.

As many years out of mind some teachers names but I will trine remember them. So pleas don’t miss understand me. I am yours all along loving student. Again I call upon for you pardon to me.

My Class Teachers

Honorable: Mrs.Karunarathna [Teach Singhala]

Honorable: Mrs. Alexandra [Teach English]

Honorable: Mrs.Wasanthi [Teacher]

Honorable: Mrs. Rodrigo [Teach Social Education]

Honorable: Mrs.Madugalle [Teacher]

Honorable: Mr.Karunarathna [Teach Singhala]

Honorable: Mr.Karunarathna [Teacher]

Honorable: Mr.Bandara [Coaching P.T]

Honorable: Mr.Antoine [Teach Art]

Honor able: Mr.Abayarama [English]

Honorable: Mr. Albert [Teach Singhala]

Our school principle is:

Honorable: Mr. Jayasinge

My School friends: Boys and Girls I...Sunny

That time we learned many subjects but my mathematic is not well hundred present. We joined few matched and some sports…our education proceed done well but I learned more virtuous things of after my collage now I am very happy full.

I remember some things we played crickets, badminton, football, additionally we trained athletics, drill, body exercises, marshal arts, judo and wrestling why any facilities had in Colombo.

We lived in class room or school and out side also like brotherhoods. As well as we stayed well amicably.

My friends: Boys

Friendly Mr.Susantha Gamini [ Borella ], Mr. Gamini Ramyakumara [ Borella ], Mr.Asoka [ Borella ], Mr.Wimalasena [ Borella ], Mr.Wimaladasa [ Borella ], Mr.Ranil Artigala , Mr.Dekar, Mr.Anura, Mr.Kithsiri, Mr.Chandrasiri, Mr.Athula Siripal Ranjana, Mr.Anil Prera, Mr.Samaraweera [ Punchi Borelle ] Some friends names forgetter.

My friends: Girls

Friendly Ms.Chithra [Borelle], Ms.Sumithra [Borelle], Ms.Srimathi Abesinghe, Ms.Nirmala [Borelle], Ms.Mala, Ms.Kusuma, Ms.Sandya, Ms.Wasanthi, Ms.Vineetha,

My Friends of Other Schools

Nalanda Collage: Friendly Mr.Thusitha, Mr.Dananjaya, Mr.Laxman, Mr.Anura, [Malabe], forgetter some friends names.

Keari Collage: Friendly Mr.Rohana Wellage [Battaramulle], Mr.Banu Silva, Mr.Bansajayan [Battaramulle] But I have very sad in my hart about one of my friend he is friendly Bansajayan…

Stafford Collage:

Friendly Mr.Priyantha Gowinnage [Battaramulle]

Ysodara Balika Viddiyalaya: [Girls] Kinsey Road, Borelle

Friendly Ms.Lalitha Senavirathna, Ms.Pradeepa, Ms.Orlga

Rathnawali Balika Viddiyalaya: [Girls] Borelle

Friendly Ms.Amitha

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