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Monday, September 13, 2010


Trees Our Life

Trees are very important of environment. Human and any other animals cannot live without trees.
We get oxygen, food, medicines, wood, and protect water, humidity, from trees. Next one most needed rain as of the trees. Tees are very beautiful looking for environment. Great influence climate of trees .The leaves of trees are all time giving of moisture as well as this constant evaporation cools the surrounding atmosphere. Mountain sides stop the soil erosion and stopped destructive earth slip.
 Plants existed on earth before human. Trees do no won’t their existence. Although human cannot live without trees. Human and animals can’t live without oxygen. Always produce oxygen of trees. Trees taking by carbon dioxide after giving oxygen. Some people have not understood value of trees. But some time people need make for timber houses. Unless wont make foods. As well as create some thing so these any things for needs cut down trees.
People cut down trees but we should plant another tree in that place. If become a desert before long forest cover in Sri Lanka has been less drastically during the past twenty years. This condition has been several matters. Some forests have become baranlands cut down more trees illegally. This is very terrible situation of environment. Because a result of this almost water fountains have been dried. So that we should protect our country forests            

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